Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka

We are working to promote cooperative engagement across traditional dividing lines in Sri Lanka.

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Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is home to rich religious, ethnic, and linguistic diversity, which became fuel for a 26-year civil war, creating deep societal divisions. The country is now recovering from the civilian and economic tolls. We promote cooperative engagement across traditional dividing lines to create a more inclusive national identity, especially through work with youth, women, and community media.

World rankings

#1 is most peaceful, equal, and democratic

out of 163 countries
out of 167 countries

Unveiling Digital Realities:

Experiences of key-affected groups of cyber sexual and gender based violence in Sri Lanka.

Latest projects

Youth as Active and Responsible Citizens – Youth Act

Context and Background:  Along with government mismanagement, Sri Lanka has also been wracked by other recent crises with serious economic implications, including the 2019 Easter Sunday bombings and the COVID-19 pandemic.  With the government’s poor handling of the economy considered to be the cause, the country has also experienced widespread social protest; while these have […]

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Peace Rewards

Peace Rewards is a five-year project funded by KinderNothilfee (KNH.) Commencing in July 2022, the overall goal of this project is to strengthen the contribution of women’s civil society groups to foster a more peaceful Sri Lanka for children. This objective will be achieved through empowering women’s civil society groups to engage across horizontal and […]

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