
In Rwanda, we promote constructive and collaborative dialogue and reinforce media capacity to address conflict issues with accuracy, impartiality, and responsibility.

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We began working in Rwanda to address regional and national conflicts, while promoting cooperation across borders. Regionally, we foster inter-youth dialogue, while our national projects include youth radio talk shows to participatory theater. Our work in Rwanda promotes collaborative dialogue within Rwanda and the region, and reinforces media capacity to address conflict with accuracy and impartiality.

World rankings

#1 is most peaceful, equal, and democratic

out of 163 countries
out of 167 countries


Through skills training, radio, and research support, we are helping youth organizations to connect with decision-makers and build healthy communities.

Latest projects

Enabling Preventative Responses to Violent Extremism in Rwanda

Violent extremism is the choice to use or support violence to advance a cause based on exclusionary group identities. Rwanda is not immune from the influences of extremist ideologies, whether they be internally grown or coming from neighboring countries. In fact, the national government is currently developing its National Action Plan to counter violent extremism […]

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Youth-led research in Rwanda

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace, and Security was an enormous leap forward for the inclusion of young people in peace processes. While there has been progress since the Resolution’s passage in 2015, youth in many parts of the world are still relegated from contributing to peacebuilding in their countries. To tackle […]

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