Despite a rich history of cultural and religious pluralism, Indonesia has seen a rise in radicalism and intolerance along ethnic, religious, and gender lines. We use collaborative projects, leadership trainings, and tech-based programs to promote tolerance and understanding. We collaborate with civil society, government, and law enforcement officers to build a peaceful and plural Indonesia without violent conflict.
World rankings
#1 is most peaceful, equal, and democratic
#42out of 163 countries
#92out of 145 countries
#49out of 167 countries
Latest projects
SHIFT – Strengthening Interfaith Forums and Youth Engagement in Indonesia to Promote Tolerance
In November 2023, Search launched SHIFT, a 14-month initiative supported by USAID under the Asia REF project, that aims to empower youth and religious actors to respond to issues of freedom of religion in Indonesia. Context Although Indonesia’s constitution guarantees religious freedom, followers of religions outside of the six ‘official’ religious denominations that receive state […]
CREDIBLE – Supporting Youth and Credible Actors’ Initiative to Promote Religious and Ethnic Freedom
Search for Common Ground implemented the CREDIBLE project, supported by Asia REF, from January 2023 to May 2024 in collaboration with local partners Campaign, Indika Foundation, SEJUK (Journalist Association for Cultural Diversity), and Solopos Institute. The project focused on empowering traditional media editors and young social media influencers to effectively combat hate speech, promote religious […]