Common Ground Awards 1999

For its second edition, the Common Ground Awards acknowledge the following individuals and organizations:

Common Ground Award for International Achievement
James Baker III

James A. Baker III for his role in the Middle East peace process.
Presenter: Ambassador Roy Atherton

Common Ground Award for Journalism in the Middle East
Ethan Bronner, The New York Times
Dalia Karpel, Haaretz
Halem Saghiyeh and Saleh Bashir, Al-Hayat
Presenter: J. Zel Lurie

Common Ground Award for Books
Daniel Yankelovich for his book The Magic of Dialogue
Presenter: Deborah Tannen

Common Ground Award for Community Peacemaking
Ten Point Coalition of Boston for their trust-building work between the Boston police and community
Presenter: Tyrone C. Parker

Common Ground Lifetime Achievement Award
Hendrik W. van der Merwe founder of the Center for Conflict Resolution
(formerly known as the Center for Inter-Group Studies)
Presenter: Susan Collin Marks

Common Ground Award for Sport
Peter C. Angelos and the Gov't of Cuba for organizing a series of baseball games between the United States and Cuba
Presenter: Dov S. Zakheim

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1601 Connecticut Ave. NW, #200
Washington, DC 20009-1035
Phone: (+1 202)265-4300
Fax: (+1 202)232-6718

Search for Common Ground (Brussels)
Rue Belliard 205 bte 13
B-1040 Brussels, Belgium
Phone: (+32 2) 736 7262 Fax: (+32 2) 732 3033