Applying for the Rapid Response Fund

Home / Applying for the Rapid Response Fund
October 12, 2022

FAQs | Application: Arabic, English, Russian, Spanish, French | Call for Proposals: Arabic, English, Russian, Spanish, French | Budget Template | SHE WINS Background

The SHE WINS Rapid Response Fund (RRF) is a global funding mechanism administered by Search for Common Ground. It is designed to respond to urgent needs in the current women, peace and security (WPS) landscape across 78 countries (listed below). The objective is to provide simple-to-access funds directly to a diverse range of women-led initiatives to respond to emerging crises, and seize new openings for the advancement of WPS outcomes in fragile and conflict affected contexts.


Applicants should email [email protected] with a completed application form (Arabic, English, Russian, Spanish, French). Before starting, please read the full call for proposals (Arabic, English, Russian, Spanish, French). We will accept applications on a rolling basis, so there is no deadline. Within two weeks, an initial screen will assess whether you meet technical criteria. Within four weeks, you can expect a final decision.


The SHE WINS RRF supports projects that advance the role of women peacebuilders. Funding is meant primarily for women-led or women-serving groups. Only rarely will the SHE WINS RRF support INGOs.

While the SHE WINS RRF aims for a geographic balance, we can fund only a limited number of projects per country. If we do not receive strong applications from a specific country, we may not fund work in that country. Eligible projects fall into one of three funding types:

  • In-kind support ($500 to $25,000; 3 months or less): Support for specific and time-bound WPS activities, which may include: travel for key activities, one-off convenings, and material goods and services, including consultancies. Under this stream, funds will not be issued directly to the applicant. Rather, Search for Common Ground will procure the goods and services and then provide as in-kind assistance to the (formal or informal) women’s groups.
  • Medium grants ($25,000 to $100,000; from 3 to 9 months): Grants for quick-impact initiatives by registered local groups, which may include: emerging opportunities to advance WPS or projects in closing spaces to protect women’s rights and safety. For any project over $30,000, the applicant must have a Unique Entity ID from or be ready to work with us to secure this registration.
  • Large grants ($100,000 to $250,000; from 9 to 12 months): Grants for longer-term efforts by larger formal organizations. We envision only a small number of awards under this stream.

The SHE WINS RRF cannot support interventions that directly involve or target security forces. Other ineligible expenses include explicitly proselytizing activities, support to individuals, vehicles, entertainment, and other costs as detailed in the call for proposals (Arabic, English, Russian, Spanish, French).

The funding window is currently open for local women-led groups in the following countries: Afghanistan, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Brazil, Burma, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Colombia, Costa Rica, Côte D’Ivoire, Croatia, the Dominican Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, El Salvador, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Mali, the Marshall Islands, Mexico, the Federated States of Micronesia, Morocco, Mozambique, Nauru, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Rwanda, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, South Sudan, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Turkmenistan, Togo, Tonga, Tuvalu, Ukraine, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Venezuela, the West Bank and Gaza, Yemen, Zimbabwe.


We evaluate proposals based on these criteria:

  • Urgency: projects that respond to a crisis, political opening, or increasing danger to women’s rights and safety. Projects should respond to a new contextual opening that allows for the advancement of WPS or inclusive peace
  • Immediacy: projects that need timely action and cannot draw on other funding sources
  • Women’s leadership: projects designed or supported by women and girls, especially with women in leadership roles
  • Collectiveness and inclusion: projects that foster collaboration among networks of women peacebuilders and advocates, especially with further-marginalized groups
  • Impact: projects that deliver feasible impact within a limited timeframe. Projects should not be an extension of an already-funded program or strategy.

For any questions, please contact [email protected]. The call for proposals contains full information, including the thematic areas and selection criteria.


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