The regime change in mid-August 2021 brought about a state of uncertainties, challenges, and economic crisis that affected Afghan citizens from all walks of life, including youth and social activists, businesses and startups, and civil society activists. Search for Common Ground initiated a project aimed at alleviating some of these challenges and preserving the civil society in Afghanistan.
Theory of Change
“Search believes that IF Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), civil society activists, women, and youth networks are maintained, and their members are protected from repressive actions, and IF they can continue to address the women, youth,and civil society risk and vulnerabilities, THEN the potential for accountability will increase, and the support to the people of Afghanistan will be sustained.”
Core Objectives:
- Increase understanding and analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 situation across Afghanistan.
- Increase the capacity of youths and civil society organizations (CSO) to have an impact in areas of high need, including the humanitarian response.
- Increase support for Afghan civil society and youths to enhance their resilience to avoid depression and negative mental health.
Expected outcomes of the project:
- The civil society and youth activists received emergency assistance and demand-based support in situations of dire need;
- Self-resilience of Afghan youths and civil society actors is enhanced, and they are better able to adapt to adversity by receiving individual counseling, group therapy, and participating in resilience-building workshops;
- Civil society organizations have increased capacity and skills to adapt to the current context and continue their work by receiving demand-based support tailored to their needs;
- There is a better understanding of the Covid-19 impact on Afghan societies.